Communication campaign | 2022

Active regeneration

Can we rethink our attitude that sport is only a place to get stronger and work out? Rather, it is also a place to regenerate and recharge our batteries. Finding motivation for sports should no longer be perceived as a challenge. To achieve this, my bachelor thesis deals with putting sports into a regenerative context. The representation of sport as we currently know it is to be reconsidered. The term active regeneration will be illustrated photographically by the sport Staff Spinning. It is to be made attentive on this balance sport and informed about sporty background knowledge.

SUPERCOMPENSATION refers to a model that after a training stimulus is triggered, a recovery phase follows. Afterwards, the body provides more energy than before. The body overcompensate. People who are physically active in their work, for example, are often in a regeneration period. And training should be done with this awareness and intensity.

The term REGENERATION originally comes from the Latin word regeneratio. Translated, this means rebirth. Figuratively, regeneration in German stands for renewal, but most people will think primarily of recovery.

The goal of ACTIVE REGENERATION is to perform movement that utilizes the full range of motion of the musculoskeletal system without increasing the load on the joints. The intensity is the most important thing to pay attention to; it should be just below the basic training level. No new training stimulus should be set. The light load on the musculature leads to improved blood circulation in the tissues involved. The transport of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles is promoted, and the removal of metabolic waste products produced under stress is facilitated. The muscle is thus ideally supplied.

Walking BAREFOOT is one of the greatest gifts in life.

STAFF SPINNING is a dynamic handling of a simple staff. Often parts of the flow arts direction are mixed with those of the martial arts in this training. For example, a stick made of wood is held dynamically in the flow, but sometimes the movements are interrupted and the stick becomes a weapon. This is not a martial arts training, but a rather meditative, partly dance-like movement execution, which incorporates parts from different areas.

For the most part, PASSIVE REGENERATION is about consciously managing the resources our bodies need to survive directly.

© Melanie Heß. All rights reserved.